
「わたしたちは2千年待つべきだろうか」 海辺にひとり立っている。海の向こうには輝く島々があることを知っているけれど、ここからは見えず海を渡ることもできない。触れることも、証明することもできない。ただ思い出し、浜辺に立ち尽くす。海のかなたに、…


***You could always tell when Albert was arriving because of the commotion in the elevator――a great cussing and whining followed by a handsome tip which accompanied the process of bringing the floor of the elevator to a dead level with …


***If Albert, who was a little cracked and had a penchant for dotted vests, happened to see a cutaway hanging on the rack with the words H.W. Bendix written in green ink on the try-on notice, he would give a feeble little grunt and say―…


***R.N.I never saw in the flesh. He was an item in the ledger which Bunchek the cutter spoke of glowingly because there was always a little schnapps about when it came time to try on the new trousers. The three brothers were eternal ene…


***There were three Bendixes――H. W., the grumpy one, A. F., whom the old man referred to in the ledger as Albert, and R. N., who never visited the shop because his legs were cut off, a circumstance, however, which did not prevent him fr…

***My brother was a halfwit and he got on the old man’s nerves even more than H. W. Bendix with his“ Pastor So-and-so’s going to Europe… Pastor So-and-so’s going to open a bowling ally, “etc. “Pastor So-and-so’s an ass, “ the old man wo…


***My mother hadn’t the least idea what it meant to be kissing rich people’s backsides. ALL she knew how to do was to groan and lament all day, and with her groaning and lamenting she brought on the boozy breath and the potato dumplings…


***When I look back on it all now, see the old man sitting down to table with his boozy breath and saying shit why don’t some one smile, why do you all look so glum, I feel sorry for him and for all merchant tailors who have to kiss ric…


***He raised hell with everybody, including the family doctor, because the latter couldn’t keep his kidneys clan of gravel. If we made him a sack coat in August by October it was too large for him, or too small.*** kidney 腎臓 gravel…


***No matter how fast I walked old man Bendix was sure to be there ahead of me , raising hell with the cutter because neither of the bosses was on the job. How was it we could never get there ahead of that old buzzard Bendix?*** rais…

Google mapで見るThe Tailor Shop

***A joint corporation of father and son ,with mother holding the boodle.*** joint 共同の、合同の、共有した joint corporation合弁会社 boodle <俗>集団、連中、やつらここで最初の段落が終わります。受験英語しかしらないので、動詞がないと…


***It was enough to drive any man to drink.***ここでのany man は「どんな人も」ということでしょう。文法書に書いてあったし。Driveは「余儀なくある状態に押しやる」直訳は「どんな男でも酔っ払いに走らせるには充分だった」。ここで酒浸りになっ…


***They were ticklish bastards,all these old farts we catered to.*** ticklsh 厄介、神経質な、扱いが難しい、扱いが微妙 bastard 私生児 <俗>嫌なやつ、ろくでなし farts <俗>ろくでなし(vt 屁をひる) cater 提供する cater to〜 〜の用命…

The Tailor Shop

それでは一発目。***The Tailor Shop(1939)I’ve got a motter:always merry and bright!*** motto モットー、座右の銘 merry 陽気な、愉快な bright 明るい、有望な、ほがらか、元気、愉快 原文は*3つで囲み分りやすくしてみます。 知らない単語が出…


こんばんは。 ここではヘンリー・ミラーの短編「仕立屋」を 個人的に翻訳してみようと思います。 細かい情報はおいおい書くとして、 とりあえず始めてみます。一応目標がありまして、ひとつは好きな作家の書いたものを 原書で読んでみたいというものと、もう…